Thursday, April 17, 2008

Starting the project

A good sign came from Dubai: our friend Mae has just sent some money to help the Achkar family.
So we decided to pay Habib a down payment of 1000 dollars, to help him pay the rent of the snack he wants to open in Rayfoun !
Indeed, we were inspired by the Chinese saying : "Instead of giving a man a fish, teach him how to fish "....

Monday, April 14, 2008

A new project under study

Habib is preparing the Almond flowers for the Zouk Mikael Food festival which was held last sunday.

While admiring these delicate shapes, we discussed their new project: opening a snack in the main street of Rayfoun, one of the most popular summer village in the Kesrouan mountain.

The place is very well known and situated, in the centre of the small town. It is fully equipped and furnished. They only need to provide a TV screen and Internet connection. Habib will make the sandwiches, crepes, etc... and Chafica the sweets. They will be helped by a friend and the two brothers, in the afternoon. A budget of 2.500 dollars is needed to pay the rent and the equipment.
With our friends Najwa and Mona, we decided to organize a fund-raising lunch next month.
Our friend Tony agrees to receive us in his restaurant Abou Tony in Kfour. Our trekking group Liban à Petits Pas will be more than happy to join and help us.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Preparing Easter

Habib concentrates on the preparation of the traditional maamouls for Easter, although he had just broken his left finger while reparing his car.

Nassib is also helping his mother packaging the Maamouls ...

Chafica has just recovered from a slight stroke. She spent one day in the hospital.

She is now back to work, and many orders are still arriving !

We managed to pay part of the hospital bill, and also her last electricity bill,
thanks to our friends:
Mr R.P.
Ms C.A. and A.M.
and the group "Le Liban à Petit Pas"